First Update!

Hi all,

I'm testing the waters and posting a devlog for the first time! After I completed and submitted Star Cell for the GMTK jam, it got a lot of plays and love from my friends and other devs online! I'm so happy about that- it's given me some confidence to try my best to keep working on the project going forward!

So- the important stuff: the changes. Pointed out by some of my friends, I've fixed the following issues:

  • Star Cell will no longer get stuck on the edge of a block due to mismatched collision boxes!
  • You are no longer able to break the 4th wall and transcend reality at the end of the game. (Thanks to Murie and Baron for pointing this out!)

Also, here's what I'm planning to add in the future: (Between work, study and everything else life throws at me lol.)

  • -Add a timer (optional mode perhaps?) 
  • Fix/redo some sprites 
  • Revamp animations 
  • More jumping and more star celling!

To end off this post I want to post an old sprite I made for The Boy, that didn't make it into the game:

Thank you for reading if you made it this far, and I hope to post again soon!

-- Jeyfae <3

Files Play in browser
22 days ago

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